This is me

Assalamualaikum and hey world.

I should really be studying right now because tomorrow I have quiz. But I just feel like writing so y not?
So I just saw someone’s story on Insta... about Universiti Malaya ... which is my dream university since I was like 11 years old I 2nd choice of Uni was UIA but still I couldn’t make it to both. I was so sad. I never thought to be in UNITEN. I came here because I got scholarships. Of coz, I like business too... but I just ...never plan to come here. 

Oh what am I thinking !!!!?


Ya Allah, help me to gain success in UNITEN !

Aamin InsyaAllah.

Whoever reading this.. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. It’s not like I hate my life here but the thing is I never really plan to come here... I got scholarships. So I can at least less the burden of my they don’t have to pay any fees so yeah ... I think that as a pure intention.. so yeah that’s it. I’ll try my best in Uniten Muadzam Shah, Pahang (which is 11 hours journey from my house).

p/s : just called my good friend to wish birthday. Miss her a lot. 


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