YTN Orientation - Last Day

Assalamualaikum and hi 

So the last of Orientation which is the 4th day was awesome. The water rafting activity tested our strength plus we made the raft during raining!! 

I took my new friends number which I feel really close with them even though we’ve just met. 

So yeah I took pictures with my Muadzam Shah’s family and my old schoolmates (Imma da only gurl out of six of us lol). I really loved it there and it felt so hard to leave ya know!!

If you want to checkout the pics, you are invited to my instagram :

The VC of Human Resource speech was also inspiring during the closing ceremony. He had to go to thick and thin to be where he is now. 

From his speech, I learned that:

Just do your best, Allah SWT (God) will do the rest!

Be brave to SPEAK UP !

And he also told that the electric bills increase because the price of coals increase. And TNB had millions asset to pay. Btw, the electric bills never increase in 2 years back. 

Overall, Eagle Ranch Resort was a nice place to visit.

See ya in next post!

To whom reading this, I pray you will have the strength to endure pains and endeavours and achieve triumphant 😇🤩



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